Looking for a software engineer?

Welcome to everyone who visits here! My nickname is Mr. Latte. This page is dedicated to showcasing my personal projects and demonstrating my passion for software engineering. Having a purpose drives me forward, and I believe this marks the beginning of something truly significant. Sometimes, taking the first step can be the most challenging part, and I've just done it. I'm well-versed in various programming languages and always eager to learn new technologies. My expertise spans from web development to mobile applications, and I pride myself on delivering high-quality, efficient solutions. If you're in search of a software engineer, I am available for freelance work. Please feel free to contact me, and let's discuss how I can contribute to your next project!

Looking for a software engineer?

I love Latte, Mr. Latte is my personal brand.

I love Latte, Mr. Latte is my personal brand.

Great brands aren't built on ads or promotions alone. I always stay humble, leaving no room for arrogance. I possess the courage to dream big, and most importantly, I don't allow anyone to tell me or convince me that my dreams cannot come true. Instead, I focus on developing genuine connections and delivering value to my audience. By cultivating trust and nurturing relationships, I believe that a strong brand reputation can be established. As I continue to chase my dreams, I remain dedicated to learning, growing, and striving for excellence in everything I do.

How can I improve myself and perform better tomorrow than I did today?

This is one of my favorite quotes. Good is simply not good enough. I will always give my best effort. I often ponder, "What would you do if you knew you had less than a minute to live?". Those who can't motivate themselves must settle for mediocrity, regardless of their other talents. My response would be to open a notepad and write code that outputs, "Everything is going to be okay.". If given a little more time, I could handle refactoring and writing tests for my code.

How can I improve myself and perform better tomorrow than I did today?

Get into my brain

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Here's what I've done so far

This is a statement that encompasses my skills, abilities, professional expertise, and what makes me most suitable for the position. If you want to see more details, please click here.


How Valuable Is Your Idea, Really?

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여행자를 위한 동전 교환 및 적립 서비스

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Wi-fi Direct를 이용한 SOS 신호

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Here's what I am studying now

Ubuntu 24.x 환경에 Asterisk 설치 및 설정

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구글, 앱스토어 환불 정책

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소셜 미디어별 썸네일 크기

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