Welcome! I'm Mr. Latte, and this page showcases my personal projects and passion for software engineering. I believe a clear purpose is essential, and this is the start of something big for me. I'm proficient in various programming languages and eager to learn new technologies, with expertise ranging from web development to mobile applications. I'm available for freelance work. Contact me to discuss your project!
Mr. Latte is my personal brand. Great brands aren't built on hype alone. I stay humble, dream big, and refuse to let anyone tell me my dreams are impossible. I focus on genuine connections and delivering value. Trust and strong relationships are the foundation of a great brand. I'm committed to continuous learning, growth, and striving for excellence.
"Good is never enough" is a quote that resonates deeply with me. It reminds me to constantly strive for improvement. I believe in giving my all, every single day. The question, "What would you do if you knew you had less than a minute to live?" often crosses my mind. Self-motivation is crucial; without it, talent alone won't lead to exceptional results. My answer to that question? Write code that says, "Everything is going to be okay." With a little more time, I'd focus on refactoring and testing.
퍼지 이론 이란?퍼지 논리(Fuzzy logic) 혹은 퍼지 이론(Fuzzy theory) 이라...
서론사회복지법의 개념은 형식적의미의 사회복지법과 실질적 의미의 사회복지법으로 나눌 수 있다.형식적의미의...
The following outlines my skills, experience, and qualifications, demonstrating my suitability for this role. Click here for a more comprehensive overview.
How Valuable Is Your Idea, Really?
1. 배경현재 특정 범위의 Peer와 통신하기 위해서는 블루투스(Bluetooth)를 이용하거나 저전력...
1. 배경현재 이메일 수신확인을 하는 방법은 별도의 플러그인을 설치하거나, 별도의...
I am currently engaged in studies related to area of study. The following section outlines my skills, experience, and qualifications, which I believe align well with the requirements of this position. A more comprehensive overview is available here.
Self-Employed Freelance Software Engineer | Full Stack | Front & Back Experienced (23+ years) | Seeking remote work job opportunity | I am a software engineer in Seoul, Republic of Korea. I am currently interested in data mining and machine learning. I like writing about computer software and interesting subject. If you want to see my curriculum vitae, visit here.